Correct habitual spelling errors with the Old Way New Way® learning method.
Designed for adult learners as well as younger students and children.
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Step 1. Person's name:

Step 2. Date:

Step 3. Say "Write the word in your own way here."

Step 4.Say "May I call that your old way?"
         (get agreement)
Step 5. Say "May I show you a new way? (get agreement, and then write the word here):

Step 6. Explain the difference between the old and new way to the person, and write it here:
Step 7. "Write it in your old way."

Step 8. "Write it in the new way."          Step 9. Explain the difference, write it here:

Step 10. "Write it in your old way."

Step 11. "Write it in the new way." Step 12. Explain the difference, write it here:
Step 13. "Write it in the old way."

Step 14. "Write it in your new way" Step 15. "Now, you tell me the difference, and write it here."
Step 16. "Write it in the old way."

Step 17. "Write it in your new way." Step 18. "Tell me the difference, and write it here."
Step 19. "Write it in the old way."

Step 20. "Write it in your new way." Step 21. "Tell me the difference, and write it here."
Step 22. Write 6 different sentences using your new way of spelling the word. Short sentences will do.
Step 23. Explain the follow up activities to the learner. Review progress in two weeks.

You may print this form for your own unrestricted use, provided it is always reproduced in full including this paragraph. The Old Way New Way® learning method is now available as a low-priced computer program called Personal Best Spelling, available at This spelling program also includes an improved version of Look-Say-Cover-Write-Check, a widely endorsed method for learning new words; a way of detecting learned, habitual errors; and a spelling tester; plus many other useful features for adult learners, school children, and teachers of spelling.     Copyright Personal Best Academy2012